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Your search for Construction resulted in 387 matches. The standards are sorted in alphabetical order.

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Temporary works coordinator - SSP

The purpose of this standard is to provide the delegate with the knowledge to support the following scope.

The avoidance of buried utilities for construction utilising ground penetrating radar - GPR Training

The purpose of this standard is to provide the delegate with the theoretical and practical knowledge to locate buried utilities safely and effectively for the purpose of avoidance, preventing utility damage and increasing safety during excavation for the construction industry by utilising ground penetrating radar (GPR).

Tolerances and standards for bricklaying occupations

The purpose of this standard is to provide the delegate with the knowledge to support the following: examining poor and good practice; Building Regulations and industry standards; tolerances in wall construction; understanding the guidance and tolerances; identifying where to source the guidance documents.

Tool hire product awareness training (THPAT) - engineering, access, small construction plant

The purpose of this standard is to train candidates in the hire sector to operate, demonstrate operation and select accessories for access hire fleet assets.

Total station for construction - GET3407

This standard covers the principles of using a total station for site surveying and setting out. These principles can be applied to all types of construction including earthworks, roads, houses, buildings, foundations, piles, structural steel, structures, and reinforced concrete.

Tower crane theory test

Full details of this standard will be published shortly

Tower crane: luffing jib, cab controlled practical test

Full details of this standard will be published shortly.

Tower crane: trolley jib remote practical test

Full details of this standard will be published shortly.

Tower crane: trolley jib, cab controlled practical test

Full details of this standard will be published shortly.

Towers for instructors

This standard ensures that operatives are trained in how to safely assemble, dismantle and relocate access towers without risk of personal injury to the self or others.

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