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Your search for op resulted in 693 matches. The standards are sorted in alphabetical order.

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National water hygiene

The purpose of the standard is to provide training in line with the national water hygiene scheme. This training protects the safety of water through good hygiene practices while working on restricted operations as defined in the technical guidance notes. Water companies across the UK now mostly mandate the use of the National Water Hygiene card for anyone entering a clean water site or engaged in operations on the clean water network, whether in contact with the water or not.

Near miss reporting for road marking operatives

The purpose of this standard is to provide knowledge of how to report a near miss during road marking activities.

Near miss reporting for road marking operatives - Refresher

The purpose of near miss reporting for road marking operatives - refresher standard is for delegates who have previously passed training to the full near miss reporting for road marking operatives standard or subsequent refresher training and can provide proof of attendance.

NEC compensation events

The purpose of this standard is to provide learners with an opportunity to increase their understanding of compensation events, the compensation event procedures and rules for assessment of compensation events, under NEC Engineering and Construction Contracts.

NEC defined cost

The purpose of this standard is to provide learners with an opportunity to increase their understanding of defined cost, what is allowable as defined cost under the main options and what constitutes disallowed cost, under NEC Engineering and Construction Contracts.

NEC delays

The purpose of this standard is to provide learners with an opportunity to increase their understanding of delays and provide general guidance on delay assessment and liability for delay, under NEC Engineering and Construction Contracts.

NEC formation and administration of sub-contracts

The purpose of this standard is to provide learners with an opportunity to increase their understanding of forming and administering subcontracts under a NEC Engineering and Construction Contracts.

NEC option C and D

The purpose of this standard is to provide learners with a brief understanding of Option C and D under the NEC Engineering and Construction target contracts.

NEC timescales and failure to comply

The purpose of this standard is to provide learners with an opportunity to increase their understanding of administration of timescales and failure to comply rules within a NEC Engineering and Construction Subcontract.

NEC works and site information or scope of work

The purpose of this standard is to provide learners with an opportunity to increase their understanding of works information and site information and scope of work, under NEC Engineering and Construction Contracts.

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