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Your search for operative resulted in 93 matches. The standards are sorted in alphabetical order.

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Floor sawing

This standard covers the training requirements for an operative in floor sawing activities.

Hand held diamond drilling

This standard covers the required training for an operative in hand held diamond drilling activities.

Hand held hydraulic concrete crushing

This standard covers the training requirements for an operative in hand held crushing and breaking activities.

Intermediate Traditional Hard Metal Craft Operative

Introduction to health and safety in construction

Also known as Health and Safety Awareness (HSA). The purpose of this standard is to provide the candidate with knowledge and skills required to work safely in a construction environment.

Large deck towers for users

This standard ensures that operatives are trained in how to safely assemble, dismantle and relocate access towers without risk of personal injury to the self or others.

Lead Sheet Craft Operative - Basic Bossing

The purpose of this standard is to provide delegates with an introduction to basic lead sheet bossing.

Lead Sheet Craft Operative - Wood Core Roll Roofing

The purpose of this standard is to provide delegates with the knowledge and skills to install batten roll roofing.

Lead Sheet Craft Operative (Cladding and Dormers)

The purpose of this standard is to provide the delegate with the knowledge to support the following: • understanding of the Code Of Practice Design Recommendations. • correct use of welding equipment. • how to fabricate substrate of Dormer with underlay and wood rolls. • understand the ventilation pathways and details. • correct use of tools to fabricate & install gutter front apron with dormer cheeks and upstand flashings. • how to fabricate & install dormer cheeks with front jamb, revel and head coverings. • understand types of dormer roof and associated drainage. • how to Install dormer cover using central wood roll, rear upstand to tiled/slated roof with fixed welted edge down stand. • correct way to recycle waste materials

Lead Sheet Craft Operative (Flashings)

The purpose of this standard is to provide the delegate with the knowledge to support the following: understanding of the Code Of Practice Design Recommendations, correct use of welding equipment. how to fabricate & install flashing components using welding and bossing techniques. how to fabricate & install a chimney penetration through a slated/tiled pitched roof. understanding the suitability of flashing fixing methods in masonry. correct way to recycle waste materials.

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