- In development
- Plant maintenance
- Assured
- £140 (Tier 2)
- GET1694
This training standard is in development and will be published shortly.
- In development
- Plant maintenance
- Assured
- £140 (Tier 2)
- GET1696
This training standard is in development and will be published shortly.
- In development
- Working at height
- Assured
- £60 (Tier 1)
- GET2241
This standard is in development and will be published shortly
- Published
- Plant short duration training
- Recognised
- £140 (Tier 2)
- GET2806
This training standard was previously held under the occupational area Powered access equipment. It is in development and will be published shortly.
- In development
- Plant short duration training
- Recognised
- £140 (Tier 2)
- GET1294
This training standard was previously held under the occupational area Powered access equipment. It is in development and will be published shortly.
- In development
- Plant short duration training
- Recognised
- £140 (Tier 2)
- GET1290
This training standard was previously held under the occupational area Powered access equipment. It is in development and will be published shortly. This standard includes previous standards: IPAF operator introduction, mobile elevated work platforms (MEWPS), the placing of net systems using MEWPS (mobile elevated work platforms).
- In development
- Plant practical testing
- Recognised
- £240 (Plant practical test rate 2)
- GET3198
This standard is in development and will be published shortly
- In development
- Plant theory testing
- Recognised
- £60 (Plant theory test rate)
- GET3199
This standard is in development and will be published shortly
- In development
- Plant short duration training
- Recognised
- £240 (Tier 3)
- GET3197
This standard is in development and will be published shortly
- Published
- Road building and repair
- Recognised
- £60 (Tier 1)
- GET2686
This training standard is in development and will be published shortly.